迅速網站前端開發用 Python
Web 的前端工程複雜度隨著建構工具愈趨豐富與深入,身為 Python Web Developer 怎麼善用即有工具快速得到一個「敏捷式堪用的」解決方案呢?講題會從傳統後端網站框架的樣版 (Templates) 系統開始介紹,介接近來前端工程的發展(npm、Bower),最後結合 Web assets 的概念組成一個 Minimal Viable Frontend 的解決方案。
About Speaker

An artisan and ranger chief of web development.
Sitting on Web Chair in PyCon APAC 2014, he's also an organizer for Taipei.py - Taipei Python User Group, working on PyClab branch, forwarding to CS education quest. He uses Python every day in biideal, a local startup in Taiwan.
Pyramid, web, framework, webassets, Taipei.pyPersonal Link
biidealJob title
DCTOBuilt with Django and Mezzanine by PyCon Taiwan
Hosting provided by StreetVoice.
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