Python Level
This proposal is for a forum for discussing further growth of Python user groups in Taiwan and nearby regions. Participants can use either Mandarin Chinese or English, or both. I mark it to use English to indicate foreign groups are welcome to join the forum.
Yung-Yu Chen

HPC software developer.
Keith Yang

最近覺得邊騎室內腳踏車邊用電腦,離開臉書與 IG 的精神(神經?)生活很不賴。讓這隻小白鼠從大眾心理控制實驗學裡喘了一小口氣。
Recently he enjoys skateboard commute, still coffee-achemy, and indoor cycle while programming or gaming, an awesome mind vocation of leaving FB and IG.
Keith is the founder and co-organizer of, largest Python user group in Taiwan, a Lead Software Engineer at iCHEF, and was Chairperson of PyCon APAC 2015. His work mostly focuses on web/backend/cloud services since 2006, and he hands on kernel tools of virtualization on hypervisors in 2016.