Chinese talk w. English slides
Best Practices & Patterns
Python Level
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“To understand a random line, how many lines do you need to read back?” is the core concept of this talk. This talk will introduce you the practicing techniques from years’ experience to maximize the maintainability.
In your code base, to understand a random line, how many lines do you need to read back?
Cloud you make it zero? This talk will start with the impact of maintainability, define the maintainability as “to understand a random line, the lines you need to read back”, show the practicing techniques from years’ experience to make it zero, or nearly zero, and finally, reach the goal: boost the maintainability.
可以使之為零嗎?這場演講會從可維護性的重要性出發,將可維護性定義為「為了解隨機的一行,需要往回讀的行數」,介紹多年開發經驗累積而來的實踐技巧,使之為零,或接近零。最後達到我們的目標:boost maintainability。
Mosky Liu

Mosky 是個熱愛 open source 精神的 Python 工程師,也是 Pinkoi 的 Python Charmer,工作時和同事一起打造能夠買到獨特禮物的設計品購物平台。
自從寫下人生第一支程式後,就難以忘懷以敘述為磚、邏輯為泥,堆砌出腦中藍圖的成就感,也熱愛分享自己所學,業餘時是 Python 課程講師,偶爾講點資料科學。也是數場國內外研討會的講者,包含臺灣的 PyCon、COSCUP、TEDxNTUST,以及在日本、新加坡、香港、韓國、馬來西亞等地的 PyCon。More: 。