- R2
- Day 3, 13:55‑14:25
- English talk
- Python Core (language, stdlib, etc.)
- Novice
Diving deep on how imports work in Python
It just so happens python abstracts away the inner workings of import statement beautifully. But are we aware of how python behaves when it encounters an import statement for a module?
Better yet what is a module actually?
Packages anybody?
More than one import style? How to choose between them.
How would different import styles compare with each other.
Any Best practices when importing modules. What about that __init.py__ you saw the last time you read someone else’s code.
This talk will walk you through the above and more.
Speaker Information
Tasdik Rahman

Uber Geek, Python ♥'r, soccer fanatic, Loves startups, chaos, and hard engineering problems. GSoC 2017 with oVirt. Engineering Intern @ CISCO, formerly @ Wingify(VWO team) (S16).