- R2
- Day 2, 10:40‑11:10
- Chinese talk w. English slides
- Graphics
- Novice
How we use Deep Learning to classify more than 180,000 photos a day on PhotoGrid
Deep Learning is so popular and in demand these days, and is becoming the state-of-the-art solution of many topics, such as image recognition, game playing, auto driving, etc.
Besides, we are so lucky that many Deep Learning frameworks and pre-trained models are just free and easy to use, that we can stand on the shoulders of giants and get great results.
In this talk, we are going to introduce how we use TensorFlow and Python to solve image classification problems with more than 180,000 photos a day on PhotoGrid, and avoid inappropriate content online.
We are going to have a brief introduction of Deep Learning and Transfer Learning, then share some experiences about the model training and performance tuning, and how we benefited from Deep Learning in practical use.
Talk Detail
Slides Link
Speaker Information
Brad Chang

碰過幾種語言,但仍深深著迷於 Python 的快速簡潔易用。