SoftLayer - an IBM Company

SoftLayer, an IBM Company, provides cloud infrastructure as a service from a growing number of data centers and network points of presence around the world. Our customers range from Web startups to global enterprises. Products and services include bare metal and virtual servers, networking, turnkey big data solutions, private cloud solutions, and more. Our unique advantages include the industry's first Network-Within-a-Network topology for true out-of-band access, and an easy-to-use customer portal and robust API for full remote-access of all product and service management options.


亞洲領先的大數據廣告公司,成立於2008年。憑藉強大的研發實力、先進的大數據處理分析技術,以及對品牌廣告主的專業服務,Vpon威朋成為超過1000家知名品牌廣告主的行動行銷合作夥伴。 Vpon威朋以大數據為基礎做到行動廣告精準投放,以創新互動技術實現廣告創意,更在2014年起,提供廣告需求方平臺(DSP),幫助客戶以即時競價(RTB)方式展示廣告。 Vpon威朋在亞洲能觸及4.5億不重複行動裝置,每月可產生300億次以上廣告流量,目前公司在台北、上海、東京、香港均設有辨公室,可服務各地客戶投放行動廣告的需求,幫助企業贏得全亞洲的商機。

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform is a set of modular cloud-based services that allow you to create anything from simple websites to complex applications. Build on the same infrastructure that allows Google to return billions of search results in milliseconds, serve 6 billion hours of YouTube video per month and provide storage for 425 million Gmail users.

HDE, Inc.

HDE, Inc. is a leading cloud-based security provider in Japan. Our service HDE One is designed to: prevent unauthorized access to cloud services (Access Control); reduce the risk of information leakage due to devices theft or loss (Device Security); prevent email data breaches (Messaging Security). These solutions are provided for users of cloud services like Office365, Google Apps, Salesforce. The concept of HDE, Inc. is "liberation of technology" which means to make the world better by sharing benefits of new forefront technology to our customers thorough adaption of those technologies into our service. To know more about our company, please visit

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure 是微軟公司所提供之國際級雲端平台,全球設有二十個大型資料中心,IaaS 部分除了支援 Windows 平台外,更支援主流 Linux 作業系統,PaaS 部分支援ASP.NET, PHP, Java, node.js, Python,資料庫部分支援Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle 與 MySQL,是一開放之雲端平台. 核心服務通過ISO 27007,PCI DSS,HIPAA,SOC 1,SOC 2,FedRAMP,UK G-Cloud 等多項國際資安認證,目前微軟是全世界第一個取得 ISO/IEC 27018 Cloud Privacy 認證之國際公司


Gandi (Gestion et Attribution des Noms de Domaine sur Internet) or in English “Management and Allocation of Domain Names on the Internet” is a company providing domain name registration and management as well as cloud hosting services. Gandi has its headquarters in Paris and offices in Luxembourg, San Francisco and Taipei. The company offers over 500 domain extensions and continues to add to this list on a regular basis. Gandi considers itself to be an ethical domain name registrar in an industry that has some ‘grey’ practices, it values the customers rights and privacy above all else and seeks to defend these wherever possible. As of 2014, Gandi manage more than 1,500,000 domain names from 192 countries, which places Gandi first among domain name registrars in France, sixth in Europe, and in the top 15 worldwide. Clients range from individuals, associations and small companies, to public institutions (The European Union for example) and large multinational corporations with confidence in Gandi.



Carousell - 旋轉拍賣,自2012年創立,目前為東南亞最大且成長最快速,新加坡第一名生活風格及第一名購物的C2C行動交易社群App。結合網路社群和行動商務,以讓銷售變得更簡單為目標,提供一更為簡化、方便的交易平台。


隨著主流開發平臺逐漸開源化,目前IT產業想要取得更多商機與利益,擁抱開源將會是重要的趨勢。開放原始碼軟體與協作開發能精進最先進領域的各項技術,OpenStack 是個擁有超過二萬個開發者參與的專案, 創造了開源史上的新里程碑。 基於對開放原始碼的熱誠與信心,inwinSTACK團隊以過去多年在雲端領域所累積的經驗及前瞻性眼光,洞悉OpenStack IaaS 平台在IDC 營運商及企業IT系統市場中逐漸成為主流,因而積極籌組實力堅強的專業技術團隊,投入OpenStack 研發, 並與全球主要OpenStack 廠商合作, 建立台灣本身OpenStack 技術能量及與世界最新雲端技術接軌. inwinSTACK 提供客戶全方位的開放雲端平台環境包含運算, 儲存及網路 的IaaS架構諮詢, 教育訓練, 系統整合及佈署, 系統維護及委外管理等相關服務. inwinSTACK致力於提供客戶更貼近企業需求的多元化選擇與客製化服務,協助客戶擁有兼具穩定安全,高品質高C/P 值的雲端資訊系統環境,進而提昇客戶整體競爭優勢及創造最高利潤。 迎棧科技秉持著開放、服務、速度、價值、安全、溫馨、誠信、勤奮的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長, 目標成為國際級首屈一指的開放原始碼服務商。 ※ 願景 ※ 專注目標 - 只做OpenStack ※ 技術能量 - 研發與客製化能力 ※ 服務導向 - 訓練、諮詢、建置 ※ 本地支援 - 台灣最專業的團隊


Oursky 創立於香港及於台北設有辦公室,專注於開發提供美好體驗的Web / Mobile 產品。我們的團隊由30 個富有創造力的頭腦組成並以簡潔、快速更新產品 (iterative)、及驗證式學習的過程將不同的點子變成超棒的產品。我們重視用戶體驗,設計,及最geek 的技術,還有開放的團隊。我們的代表作包括︰Pandaform: 提供線上表格服務,超過8000個人/機構使用;Jamn: 專為音樂家設計的多功能應用程式,曾被蘋果獲選為‘2013最佳應用程式’;Artstack: 一個藝術愛好者的社交網路平台;Labelbox: 擁有超過3百萬使用者的相片裝飾的應用程式,曾被蘋果 App Store多次推薦 。


"MiTAC 神通資科為國內資深系統整合廠商,更是Google Cloud Platform 亞太區策略合作夥伴,可提供企業全方位的 Google 雲端解決方案。Google Cloud Platform 提供了 Iaas 及 PaaS 的服務,擁有完整的運算、儲存與應用服務解決方案,讓您享有與 Gmail、Google Drive 相同的 Data Center 資源! MiTAC is a leading system integration company in Taiwan, and also a Google Cloud Platform partner. Google Cloud Platform enables developers to build, test and deploy applications on Google’s highly-scalable and reliable infrastructure. "

Trend Micro

Trend Micro is the global leader in IT security, we develop innovative security solutions that make the world safe for businesses and consumers to exchange digital information. With over 26 years of security expertise, we’re recognized as the market leader in server security, cloud security, and small business content security. Trend Micro security fits the needs of our customers and partners. Our solutions protect end users on any device, optimize security for the modern data center, and secure networks against breaches from targeted attacks. We deliver top-ranked client-server, network, and cloud-based protection that stops new threats faster, detects breaches better, and protects data in physical, virtual, and cloud environments.

Kdan Mobile

Since 2009, Kdan Mobile has focused on building mobile software applications and online services that allows users to better leverage their productivity and creativity. To date, Kdan’s works have been back by more than 30 million downloads. Our solutions empower the world to create, distribute, and conjoin projects via variety of devices. Kdan Mobile is headquartered in Taiwan, and with operations in China and the U.S. Kdan Mobile:

Machine Zone, Inc.

Founded in 2008 and based in Palo Alto, California, Machine Zone, Inc. (formerly Addmired, Inc.) is a technology-focused mobile gaming company building the best global real-time hardcore MMOs. With exploding revenue growth and an unwavering focus on technological innovations, we are always looking for exceptional talents from around the world to help build a great, iconic tech company.


Appier is a leading Artificial Intelligence (AI) company that develops proprietary technology of cross-screen intelligence to help businesses to identify, analyze, and reach their target customers across smart screens. Our technology can be broadly applied to the field of marketing, smart content and business intelligence. Our vision is to transform every data point into actionable insights via AI technologies.


About D.G.Z: D.G.Z was founded by Thomas Yao at the end of 2012 in Shanghai, China. Our mission is to improve the Information Technology education ecosystem around the world. We are building two bridges to connect people, one is from college and middle school students to real world projects, the other one is from China to western countries and vice versa. About GitCafé: GitCafe is a source code hosting service based on version control system Git. Project GitCafe started in 2011 and released its beta version in 2012. Teams can manage projects on GitCafe and one can explore many other interesting people and projects in this community. The mission of GitCafe is to help D.G.Z develop resource and channels for education ecosystem we’re about to build. GitCafe is cooperating with big cloud computing services and incubators to provide better service and ecosystem together for software teams.




JetBrains delivers intelligent software solutions that make developers more productive by simplifying their challenging tasks, automating the routine, and helping them adopt the best development practices. PyCharm is an intelligent Python IDE by JetBrains providing a complete set of tools for productive Python, Django and Web development, available in three editions. The free and open-source PyCharm Community Edition is perfect for pure Python coding. PyCharm Professional Edition is designed for professional Python and Web developers. PyCharm Education Edition helps novice programmers learn programming with Python easily and effectively.


We’re a culture of builders who are hungry to solve the biggest challenges and do it faster than anyone else. Through relentless focus on the impact of our work, we’re able to push the limits of what’s capable with technology at tremendous scale. From Facebook Messenger,, WhatsApp, Oculus to Instagram, as an engineer at Facebook, you’ll have opportunity to ship code daily and work with some of the smartest people in technology. We have engineering offices around the world, from our global headquarters in Menlo Park to New York, London, Seattle, and Tel Aviv.



At Doist, we specialize in productivity software. We create tools that simplify and organize the day. Our first product is Todoist, a todo app that's used by millions. Todoist lets users manage tasks from their inbox, browser, desktop, or mobile device.


Wolf Tea

琅茶立志將台灣茶細膩之美,傳遞給全世界!每季親訪產地,嚴選上質茶園在最適天氣時辰,由優秀茶師採製的「單品茶」(Single Origin),詳載茶事,與時俱進,售完不再,真正感受每片山林「此刻此地・獨一無二」的純粹美好。一起品遍千變萬化的台灣茶吧!開展好茶地圖,認識自己的味蕾,找到屬於你「琅琅上口」的好茶。


"Tagtoo, a venture backed start-up, specializes in online advertising innovation. As a pioneer of Real Time Bidding advertising technology in Taiwan, Tagtoo provides Demand Side Platform service that allows marketers to find the right customers at the right time and maximize the return on online advertising spending. With expertise in cloud architecture and big data analysis, Tagtoo’s clientele includes major industry player in e-commerce, real estate, travel, finance, and so on. "


亞洲領先的大數據廣告公司,成立於2008年。憑藉強大的研發實力、先進的大數據處理分析技術,以及對品牌廣告主的專業服務,Vpon威朋成為超過1000家知名品牌廣告主的行動行銷合作夥伴。 Vpon威朋以大數據為基礎做到行動廣告精準投放,以創新互動技術實現廣告創意,更在2014年起,提供廣告需求方平臺(DSP),幫助客戶以即時競價(RTB)方式展示廣告。 Vpon威朋在亞洲能觸及4.5億不重複行動裝置,每月可產生300億次以上廣告流量,目前公司在台北、上海、東京、香港均設有辨公室,可服務各地客戶投放行動廣告的需求,幫助企業贏得全亞洲的商機。 為一嶄新台灣國產直播平台,其開發團隊擁有堅強技術及設計能力,已在台灣成功打造全世界最大的 K 歌平台 -- iKala。 正積極與合作夥伴進行市場拓展,目前已經迅速累積數十個合作夥伴,並完成許多知名的大型活動直播,包括了全國性的國是會議直播,以及全球性的 COMPUTEX 論壇直播。 除了在台灣扎根,也積極邁向國際市場。如需瞭解更多,請來信至


Pinkoi is the leading curated community and marketplace for designers in Asia for people to buy, sell, share designs and to be inspired.


開放文化基金會 (OCF) 致力於推廣各類開放文化活動,包括: 開放源碼、開放標準、開放硬體、開放資料、開放系統等相關領域之活動。線上捐款資訊:。 本會透過主辦或協辦各類開放文化大小型活動,集合開放文化參與者與社群組織的眾多力量,深耕屬於台灣的開放文化精神。 我們提供的服務: 1. 提供開放源碼相關社群及活動專戶、收取款行政事務 2. 提供各社群贊助特定開發、議題研究專案的財務管道 3. 提供社群商標及法律保護 4. 提供國外非政府法人的對應窗口,對開放、開源有需要進一步聯繫者 5. 針對政府科技制度、法律相關議題提出研究報告及建議 6. 推動開放源碼於各領域的應用(如: 政府部門、非營利組織、業界…) 7. 基金會自己應用、驗證過的技術,可輸出至其他政府、非政府組織

PunNode 科技新創榜

PunNode 科技新創榜,聚焦亞洲與全球科技與創業。 持續報導台灣與國際創業新訊,採訪超過 100 組創業團隊,特別關注中國、日本、韓國、新加坡…等亞洲科技動態。 PunNode 親身投入參與、舉辦創業活動,如 PunProbe 磅礡峰會以及建立公共資源——創事紀、創業資料庫、人才庫等等,並與全台最大科學網站 PanSci 共組成立泛科知識,藉由資源整合產生綜效,期能將台灣的科研實力帶往產業,發展創新科技。


KKTIX, the online event registration service from KKBOX, is the best platform to find and organize events. It allows event organizers to compose customized event page, set up ticket sales, and use e-tickets to streamline the registration process. For event searchers, KKTIX helps you manage the tickets purchased online, making everyday life full of fantastic events.