
你的 code 充滿時間:使用 Python 進入聲音訊號的世界

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我目前擔任中央研究院資訊科學研究所副研究員。個人的研究興趣跨足人工智慧技術、多媒體技術與音樂資訊檢索等領域。曾獲傑出人才發展基金會年輕學者創新獎、國際音樂資訊檢索會議(ISMIR)的最佳論文獎,並入圍 ACM 國際多媒體會議(ACM MM)的最佳論文獎候選。曾應邀成為第29屆金曲獎金曲國際音樂節國際論壇的與談人,參與的演出包括〈日新樂譯〉(於國家音樂廳演出,2017年)和〈夜之絮語〉(於高雄衛武營表演廳演出,2019年)等。 個人網站:https://homepage.iis.sinica.edu.tw/pages/lisu/index_zh.html
Seth Michael Larson
Seth Michael Larson

Bytes, Pipes, and People

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Seth Larson is the inaugural Security Developer-in-Residence at the Python Software Foundation. He works to secure the supply chain and improve the security posture of CPython and projects in the Python packaging ecosystem. Seth also maintains a handful of open source Python projects like urllib3, requests, truststore. Seth is a fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Website: https://sethmlarson.dev Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@sethmlarson
Georgi Ker
Georgi Ker

From Local Roots to Global Impact: Why Your Presence Matters to the Community

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Georgi Ker is the Director and a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. She is a co-organizer of PyLadiesCon and the co-founder of PyLadies Bangkok. A French citizen born and raised in Singapore, Georgi has also lived in Thailand and Indonesia before relocating to Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During her time in Thailand, she served as the conference lead for PyCon APAC and PyCon Thailand. Georgi is an avid advocate for Diversity & Inclusion. She co-chairs the D&I Workgroup within the PSF and has launched the podcast series "The Hidden Figures of Python" alongside hosts Mariatta Wijaya, Cheuk Ting Ho, and Tereza Iofciu. The podcast aims to highlight stories from underrepresented groups within the Python community. An autodidact polymath who speaks multiple languages, Georgi currently runs her own branding and visual studio. Some of the projects include TV series Strange Girl in Strange Land, PyCon US (2022-2024), Proof of Talk and PyData London.