
你的 code 充滿時間:使用 Python 進入聲音訊號的世界

    我目前擔任中央研究院資訊科學研究所副研究員。個人的研究興趣跨足人工智慧技術、多媒體技術與音樂資訊檢索等領域。曾獲傑出人才發展基金會年輕學者創新獎、國際音樂資訊檢索會議(ISMIR)的最佳論文獎,並入圍 ACM 國際多媒體會議(ACM MM)的最佳論文獎候選。曾應邀成為第29屆金曲獎金曲國際音樂節國際論壇的與談人,參與的演出包括〈日新樂譯〉(於國家音樂廳演出,2017年)和〈夜之絮語〉(於高雄衛武營表演廳演出,2019年)等。 個人網站:https://homepage.iis.sinica.edu.tw/pages/lisu/index_zh.html
    聲音在我們的日常生活中無所不在,卻是那個常常被跳過的邊緣人。在這個演講中,我們將從資料科學的視角出發,與大家聊聊使用 Python 進行音訊處理的基本知識、時間維度資料的特性、重要的數學工具,以及跟聲音相關的一些人工智慧問題。此外,我們將特別討論如何運用這些工具處理複雜的音樂與生物訊號,例如音高、節奏與和聲等等。最後,我們希望從音樂生成、人機共演到音樂文化資產研究等應用議題,呈現當代音樂人工智慧研究的多重面貌。 由於現階段大多數人工智慧的應用都是以文字與圖像的處理為主,因此在音訊處理上的應用以及原理相信大家會非常感興趣。我們希望透過這個演講跟大家介紹 Python 在音訊處理和音樂人工智慧技術可以做到的事,並跟大家分享個人在使用 Python 當做研究的工具的心得。
    Georgi Ker
    Georgi Ker

    From Local Roots to Global Impact: Why Your Presence Matters to the Community

      Georgi Ker is the Director and a Fellow of the Python Software Foundation. She is a co-organizer of PyLadiesCon and the co-founder of PyLadies Bangkok. A French citizen born and raised in Singapore, Georgi has also lived in Thailand and Indonesia before relocating to Amsterdam, the Netherlands. During her time in Thailand, she served as the conference lead for PyCon APAC and PyCon Thailand. Georgi is an avid advocate for Diversity & Inclusion. She co-chairs the D&I Workgroup within the PSF and has launched the podcast series "The Hidden Figures of Python" alongside hosts Mariatta Wijaya, Cheuk Ting Ho, and Tereza Iofciu. The podcast aims to highlight stories from underrepresented groups within the Python community. An autodidact polymath who speaks multiple languages, Georgi currently runs her own branding and visual studio. Some of the projects include TV series Strange Girl in Strange Land, PyCon US (2022-2024), Proof of Talk and PyData London.
      In this talk, we will explore the profound impact that individual contributions can have on both local and global communities within the tech ecosystem. Drawing from my own journey—from grassroots involvement in local Python groups to significant roles in international conferences and the Python Software Foundation—I will illustrate how each step has shaped my understanding of community and collaboration. We will delve into the significance of diversity and inclusion and why these elements are essential for fostering the growth of the community, particularly in the APAC region. Through practical examples and actionable insights, this talk will provide guidance on how to leverage your unique skills and experiences to make a meaningful impact. Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned community leader, you’ll come away with a deeper appreciation of why your presence matters, how you can contribute to building a stronger community, and how this can impact your life and career. By highlighting stories of personal experiences, I aim to inspire attendees to recognize their potential to drive change, no matter the scale of their current involvement.
      Seth Michael Larson
      Seth Michael Larson

      Bytes, Pipes, and People

        Seth Larson is the inaugural Security Developer-in-Residence at the Python Software Foundation. He works to secure the supply chain and improve the security posture of CPython and projects in the Python packaging ecosystem. Seth also maintains a handful of open source Python projects like urllib3, requests, truststore. Seth is a fellow of the Python Software Foundation. Website: https://sethmlarson.dev Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@sethmlarson
        The majority of software today uses open source components like Python and projects on the Python Package Index. The ubiquity of open source software hasn’t gone unnoticed, there are new threats looking to exploit open source projects to achieve their goals. In this talk we’ll learn about these threats to the software supply chain, the efforts to thwart them, and the steps we can take to keep the Python ecosystem safe for everyone. The purpose of this talk is to describe the current threat landscape for open source projects like CPython and packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI), and what recent projects have done to mitigate these threats. My second year as Security Developer-in-Residence will be focusing on improving the security posture of the ecosystem of Python packages and the downstream users who consume those projects, so this keynote will cover that work along with any announcements, achievements, etc. I plan on weaving my background and experience with internet technology and security into the narrative of supply chain security.