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Milo Chen

Milo Chen

In my achievement, I did LinkedIn 100,000+ followers(2017), Intel Award(2018), Stack overflow ranking top 1k~2k(2021), PyCon talk WebRTC(2021). My first time in to use Python 2.0 was in 2002. I used it to write TCP/IP programs. I have majored in law, electronics, and computer science. I like to be constantly exposed to new knowledge and new areas. -- I have made contributions to product innovation in industries such as electronics, automobiles, and medical systems and have served as a senior software engineer, product manager, and architect. Now I'm solving the problem of the global gap between the rich and the poor. -- Currently, I work as a science and technology teacher in a rural middle school. Whether it is developing and promoting the Sync Slide open source product (GPL 3) or incubating the Metaversity (Metaverse University) ecosystem, these are all strategies to solve the gap between the rich and the poor in the world. Because I want to improve the world's human gap.


    pynecone 2023 Q1 是全球成長最快的開源新創, 它是python開源全端框架,2023年初在chatGPT-4 發佈會上一小段50行的 pynecone 程式DALL-E作為展示。 python 在許多技術領域發展旺盛,多了 pynecone 的加入,將使 python 編程人生更完整。相較於類似的 python full-stack 框架來說,此框架優勢對於開發者而言,可從產品開發早期趨型至晚期的大型專案都顧及,對使用者角度而言,從手機App到電腦瀏覽介面都可兼顧,就開發者生態資源來說,它可將各種現有React元件積累優勢,充份釋放到python來運用。 講者超過10+年跨足各產業作應用開發創新,總是擔任公司內的應用創新研發主導者,多次用創新打入全球龍頭大廠,全球Linkedin全球10萬專業者追隨,2年內3次由Google主動發邀請面試,在Stackoverflow單周排名全球前200。在 pyencone-io上僅有10個以上PRsa 貢獻,運用colab發展全球第1個pynecone的online ide. 帳號為milochen0418,目前是偏鄉國中生科與資科老師。 業界工具得學得又多又久,但國中生用pynecone作WebApp串AI與IoT,只要寫在單一py檔案,程式不到200行的python程式碼即可前後端及手機App運行。這個pynecone就像是一個神奇小盒子,使國中學生也能實現應用創新。





    Day 2 • 13:05-13:35 (GMT+8)


    Chinese talk w. Chinese slides



