
The Summer Sprint event will be held on 8/14 (Sun.) 09:30 ~ 17:00 (TST). A sprint event gathers open source project owners, contributors, and people who want to contribute but are trying to find a place to start. During a sprint, project hosts bring their unresolved issues or new features under development and share with everyone. You can join a project of your choice, or bring your own project here! For those who already know fundamentals of Python and want to participate open source projects, but don’t know where to start, sprints are great opportunities to get yourself involved! As for project hosts, this is a great chance for you to find people with similar interests, having face-to-face interactions with contributors, and getting new contributors to your project’s development! Be prepared to get your hands dirty!


Due to COVID-19, we will host the event in Gather Town. The project hosts can keep communicating with the attendees online. For each project, we would build a unique room in Gather Town space. We also prepare a Google Meet link for a backup plan if we face a poor internet connection.

Please be aware, due to the policy of Gather Town, you have to be 18 years old or above to join this event.

Please visit KKTIX if you'd like to join as an attendee, or fill out this Google Form if you'd like to be a project owner in this event!

You can find the project list on HackMD.