成功地測試失敗 (Fail tests successfully)

Keith Yang

Keith Yang

icon-location R0
icon-language Chinese talk w. Chinese slides
icon-datetime Day 1 • 10:05-10:35
icon-level Novice
icon-category Best Practices & Patterns


    這個講題會聚焦於從新創轉形為成長型企業時,在持續整合(Continuous Integration, CI)與交付流程中使用 Python 作為雲端主力開發時的「測試心得與踩雷案例」,也會展示不同的測試風格與手段以及它們的優缺點。來幫助產品交付的品質與 Python 2 升 3 時的過程。也是講者十年來從 nose test 寫到現在的工作需要將 pytest 與 Python unittest 混搭時的一些血淚心得。



    Keith Yang

    Keith is the founder and co-organizer of Taipei.py, largest Python user group in Taiwan, a Lead Backend Engineer at iCHEF, and was Chairperson of PyCon APAC 2015. His work mostly focuses on web/backend/cloud services since 2006.