The companies are here to recruit talents, hurry up! Yes, I'm talking to you! Come here, they NEED YOU!
Checkout our brand new podcast channel, PyCast. Our passion, your entertainment!
Checkout our collaborative note on HackMD.
Enjoy the Open Space & make some new friends, discuss any topic you’d like at the same time.
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Every Year
PyCon, also known as the Python Annual Conference, is the annual event of the global Python community. PyCon is spontaneously organized by fellow locals, and now Taiwan has its own Python annual meeting. This event aims to gather organizations and individuals who use Python in various fields in Taiwan to exchange their experiences, share the latest technological developments.
2021 is the tenth anniversary of PyCon Taiwan. This year, PyCon Taiwan has not only passed on the community communication experience of the past ten years, we also made some new attempts, such as Podcasts. It is hoped that the tenth anniversary of PyCon Taiwan can promote exchanges between different ethnic groups and spark different sparks.