Learn from LL(1) to PEG parser the hard way

Kir Chou

Kir Chou

icon-location R0
icon-language Chinese talk w. English slides
icon-datetime Day 2 • 13:00-13:45
icon-level Intermediate
icon-category Python Core


    Do you know Python parser? Do you know CPython changed its LL(1) parser to PEG parser from Python 3.9 (PEP 617)? Do you know the difference between parsing technologies, including traditional top-down parser, bottom-parser parser, and Packrat parser? Do you know why Python chose PEG parser instead of others? In this talk, you will get the answer and the idea behind all the above questions.



    Kir Chou

    A code monkey works at Google with some experience in building search services in Amazon jungle before. This will be the 5th year of his presence in PyCon TW. 科高菜鳥碼猴,過去曾在亞馬遜做搜索服務,今年將會是它出現在PyCon台灣的第五年。(過去演講:https://note35.github.io/about/talks/)