Security researcher, working at InfoSec Division, Telecom Technology Center.
Have fun through challenging difficulties.
Recently get heavily involved in cpython work-flow.
We’re doing research about zip bomb and this talk mainly focuses on how we deal with problem and the adventures we had.
We share the successful experiences if we made it. Instead we share what we’ve learnt from the progress.
Most important of all, this is all about having fun! :D
Security researcher, working at InfoSec Division, Telecom Technology Center.
Have fun through challenging difficulties.
Recently get heavily involved in cpython work-flow.
JunWei is a Security Researcher from Taiwan. A paranoid Pythonista who focuses on cybersecurity, reverse engineering, and malware analysis. And as a PyCon Taiwan Program Committee, presented at DEFCON, HITB, ROOTCON, PyCon Europe/TW/KR/MY. He’s the co-founder of Quark-Engine and a security research group, TWBGC.