


由於 Python 的根基來自 Unix 文化,它周圍的工具鏈(toolchain)也深受其「do one thing, and do it well」哲學影響,著重於創建單一功能,可與其他工具互動的元件。搭配開源社群常見的「bring your own tools」理念,Python 傳統上並沒有一個「標準」的工具搭配,而是讓大家發揮創意自由組合。這同時是優點,也是詛咒——不論你的背景為何,都可以在 Python 找到習慣的配置,但是經驗較少的人就容易犯錯,用了不適合自己,甚至根本錯誤的開發環境。

講者在這個議程將根據自己參與 Python 工具鏈專案、以及觀察、建議 Python 開發者建構環境的意見,描述常見的開發狀況、常見的組合、容易混淆的工具用法,並根據這些問題提出建議,希望讓大家能夠找到有用的資訊,建構讓自己更得心應手的開發環境。


I intend to divide the Python toolchain into layers, and compare various tools in each one. The layers will be introduced top-down * Project (application and package): How to manage a set of dependencies). * Tooling: How to manage system-wide tools written in Python * Interpreters: How to manage Python interpreters to use in your projects.




Tzu-ping Chung

TP builds his career around open source software, and enjoys committing his efforts to help make the world better. He builds all kinds of software for a living, from embedded system to single-page web applications, and contributes to the community when he can.

These days, he spends most of his time improving Python’s packaging landscape, organising PyCon Taiwan, and building software with Python and other modern technologies. He loves (human) languages, and knows probably too much about linguistics and phonetics to make him boring in parties.

TP 的職業生涯建立在開源軟體上,而喜歡花自己的精力讓這個世界更好。為了生活而寫過各式各樣的軟體,從嵌入式系統到 SPA 都是狩獵範圍,且只要有能力,就會盡量回饋社群。最近的時間大多花在對 Python packaging 的改善、籌辦 PyCon Taiwan、以及使用 Python 與現代前端技術開發軟體和應用程式。他有點太喜歡(人類)語言,常常扯到太多語言學和語音學,讓聊天內容變得無聊。