- R1
- 第 1 天,11:45‑12:30
- 中文演講/英文投影片
- 遊戲
- 進階
after VOEZ launch - how to resolve problems of mobile game server development and service maintenance
As startup game makers, many people might be able to build a workable mobile game service, but have no experience in building a stable, reliable, high performance commercial mobile game service.
Sometimes we feel that our code seems to be logical correct and should work, but in reality it failed because we didn't avoid race condition very well, or we didn't apply caching mechanism appropriately.
In this talk, we will introduce how we built a game server, which is fully implemented in Python and Flask.
We are going to share some experiences with backend or online mobile game developers by showing the essence of Python code and Flask usage from game server.
Hope these guides will lead you to build a stable, reliable service in Python, and don't repeat the same mistakes we did before.
郭學聰 (Hsueh-Tsung Kuo)

目前是CPPRG(C# Perl Python Ruby Golang)熟手