PYCON Taiwan 2016

Implement the Future, Together !



June 3, 2016


2016 年 6 月 3–5 日


4 月 16 日、6 月 11 日

“Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated.”

何謂 PyCon

PyCon 最初於 2003 成立於北美,現在世界各地皆有以 PyCon 精神而成立的會議。

何謂 PyCon Taiwan

PyCon Taiwan 為一年一度由愛好者舉辦、討論並提倡使用 Python 程式語言的會議,聚焦在 Python 技術與其多樣的可能應用的交流。我們歡迎所有對 Python 有興趣的朋友一同加入 PyCon Taiwan 來分享所學、交換想法、並且認識更多同好。

Volunteers Needed!

Help us organize and make the conference successful!

Please fill out
our volunteer form

Patronage 2016 available!

If you wish to support PyCon Taiwan 2016 on your own, welcome to be a patron! There will be a page for the list of all patrons (e.g. links to profile pages of Facebook, GitHub, Twitter) on the PyCon Taiwan 2016 website.

Go to be a patron of PyCon Taiwan 2016

“Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit.”
