How PyCon APAC 2014 Web is built
Sitting on Web Chair of PyCon APAC 2014, I'm still new to Django and we're even new to Mezzanine. How we make it happen? It might be related to these keywords from the perspective of a Pyramid user:
- Mezzanine Rich Text Page & html content
- Mezzanine style
- Multihost middleware
- Django user, admin, and doc
- Django Workshop in
- django-bootstrap
- django-celery-email
- django-compress
- AngularJS
- Stylus
- Fabric
- Transifex
- Bitbucket & Github

An artisan and ranger chief of web development.
Sitting on Web Chair in PyCon APAC 2014, he's also an organizer for - Taipei Python User Group, working on PyClab branch, forwarding to CS education quest. He uses Python every day in biideal, a local startup in Taiwan.
Pyramid, web, framework, webassets, Taipei.py個人網頁連結
DCTOBuilt with Django and Mezzanine by PyCon Taiwan
Hosting provided by StreetVoice.
網站問題或建議請 回饋給我們