Python for Application Security Testing
We can never rely on network firewall to be secure. We also must have a secure application. Besides test the functionality of the application, we must also test the security of the application. While the latter is frequently not performed hence the first is considered more important.
In this 25 minute talk, I'll share my experience using python for application security testing: from SQL injection, brute force attack, identifying and cracking password hashes, to proxy-ing the network traffic: intercept and modify it; and also doing network forensic.

Just another Python enthusiasts
Mainly use Python for application security testing
Planet Python Indonesia maintainer
Python Indonesia meetup organizer
python, security, indonesia, sqlmap, mitmproxy, scapy,個人網頁連結
Security AnalystBuilt with Django and Mezzanine by PyCon Taiwan
Hosting provided by StreetVoice.
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