Leo 研究所主修Social Network Analysis和Machine Learning,擅長分析資料和設計預測模型,並從中開發有趣的應用。近期的作品是台灣本色 (http://leohung.net/taiwancolors/),用程式發掘台灣人文風景的基本色調。
有任何有趣的DATA,或想做些什麼的朋友,請跟我聯絡 :D
Love Data, Web, and Python
Leo studied social network analysis and machine learning in graduate school. He has great passion and experience in developing useful applications by analyzing data and designing prediction models. Recently, he built "TaiwanColors"(http://leohung.net/taiwancolors/), a system automatically discovering the base colors of Taiwan to inspire next awesome designs, utilizing machine learning algorithm and multimedia analysis.
If you have any idea or data source and want to do some cool analysis or projects, please contact me. Thanks!
python, social network analysis, data, machine learningPersonal Link
GogolookJob title
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