Seth Michael Larson
Bytes, Pipes, and People
Seth Larson is the inaugural Security Developer-in-Residence at the Python Software Foundation. He works to secure the supply chain and improve the security posture of CPython and projects in the Python packaging ecosystem. Seth also maintains a handful of open source Python projects like urllib3, requests, truststore. Seth is a fellow of the Python Software Foundation.
The majority of software today uses open source components like Python and projects on the Python Package Index. The ubiquity of open source software hasn’t gone unnoticed, there are new threats looking to exploit open source projects to achieve their goals. In this talk we’ll learn about these threats to the software supply chain, the efforts to thwart them, and the steps we can take to keep the Python ecosystem safe for everyone.
The purpose of this talk is to describe the current threat landscape for open source projects like CPython and packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI), and what recent projects have done to mitigate these threats. My second year as Security Developer-in-Residence will be focusing on improving the security posture of the ecosystem of Python packages and the downstream users who consume those projects, so this keynote will cover that work along with any announcements, achievements, etc. I plan on weaving my background and experience with internet technology and security into the narrative of supply chain security.