Football (soccer) data analysis: A Pedagogic introduction

Indranil Ghosh

Indranil Ghosh

icon-location R2
icon-language 英文演講
icon-datetime 第二天 • 10:35-11:20
icon-level 中階
icon-category 資料分析


    Nowadays data is the key to solving challenges in most of the fields say astronomy, applied maths, health care, or even sports. Data is everywhere and it is super beneficial to leverage these data to build models for making sense out of these data and tell stories. The field of sports science, especially football (soccer), is enriched by data analysis that makes us understand the game better and predict outcomes. Many people want to delve deep into football (soccer) data analysis and get their hands dirty. This talk is to help them do so by pedagogically introducing them to the introductory analytical methodologies to overcome the initial barriers of the field and start working with football data analyses and visualizations.



    Indranil Ghosh

    I am a first-year Ph.D. student in applied mathematics from the School of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University. My research is on dynamical systems and robust chaos. I have a master's in Physics from Jadavpur University. I am mostly interested in dynamical systems, computational mathematics, optimization, quantum computing, etc. I am much fascinated with open source software development and write codes mostly in Python and R, and sometimes Fortran. I have developed the R package "QGameTheory", which is an open-source R tool to work with the basics of quantum computing and game theory simulations. I love presenting my learnings on national/international platforms and have presented in conferences on Python, R, Open source software, etc. Website: