- R0
- 第 3 天,13:00‑13:45
- 英文演講
- Python 實作
- 進階
Stranger in a Strange Land
The popular hardware platforms that have emerged over the last 10 years have one thing in common: they all promote programming language monocultures. The platform manufacturers provide a single language, and strongly encourage all developers to use that one language for all projects - Javascript for browsers; Objective C (or Swift) for iOS; and Java for Android. Is it possible to break the language monoculture, and use Python on these new hardware platforms? Thankfully, the answer is yes. In this presentation, BeeWare Founding Apiarist Dr Russell Keith-Magee will show you how the BeeWare project has ported Python to a range of new hardware platforms.
Russell Keith-Magee
Dr Russell Keith-Magee is a 10 year veteran of the Django core team, and for 5 years, was President of the Django Software Foundation. He's also the founder of the BeeWare project, developing GUI tools to support the development of Python software. He has keynoted Python conferences on all bar 2 continents, and will gladly keynote PyCon Antarctica as soon as the penguins get themselves organized. He has also put his feet in every ocean in the world (plus one sea). He lives in Perth, Western Australia with his wife, two children, and two animals that claim to be cats but have almost no feline properties.