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Lets Talk About GIL!
I will be talking about Global-Interpreter-Lock (GIL) in Python. It's a mutex that prevents multiple native threads from running in parallel. In essence, this says that a python program cannot do more than one thing at once via threading.
Amit Kumar
I am a Core Developer at SymPy, a Python Library for Symbolic Computation, which is used in scientific computing. I worked under Python Software Foundation in Google Summer of Code 2015 to improve the Solvers module of SymPy. I Mentored couple of students in Google Summer of Code 2016 for SymPy Project. I am also one of the Organisers at Python Delhi User Group and a volunteer for Python Conferences in and around India. I have spoken at various Python Conferences including PyCon UK 2016, PyGotham 2016, PyCon India 2016, PyCon Asia Pacific 2016, SciPy 2016, Austin and also at various local user group meetups in my City. All of my talks can be seen here: http://iamit.in/talks